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IT Management

ShareGate answers questions on Copilot and M365 sprawl

Microsoft 365 (M365) with Copilot broadens and deepens capabilities that can enhance productivity in multiple ways but can also increase sprawl and risk if...

Steel company deployed CoreView to head off potential delays post-acquisition

When integrating M&A driven expansion, Italian steel processing firm Marcegaglia implemented CoreView to minimise potential account migration problems from confusion to data loss. Renzo Rossi,...

UK provider CloudM boosts migration, backup, archiving and automation

Manchester based cloud software vendor CloudM has unveiled improvements across its cloud migration, back-up, and archiving offerings. According to the company, Archive's version 2.1 and...

ShareGate launches M365 tenant-to-tenant mailbox migration

Microsoft 365 (M365) tool vendor ShareGate has announced support for tenant-to-tenant mailbox migrations. According to Haziqa Sajid, writing on the ShareGate website, tenant-to-tenant mailbox migration...

M365 partners set to gain from licence management sales growth

Partners working in Microsoft 365 (M365) environments can look forward to continued worldwide software licence management growth in coming years, new research has suggested. According...

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