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Whole Tomato: How to keep testing in Visual Studio post-Coded UI demise

Left-shifted developers and technical testers who have used Coded UI need not mourn its passing, according to Whole Tomato‘s regular Visual Assist ‘Tools for Tuesday’ blog.

“Rather, they should see the deprecation as an opportunity to increase the speed and quality of their releases,” explains test automation firm Ranorex, in a Visual Studio user tips sheet provided to Whole Tomato’s Kyle Wheeler.

Ranorex explains that Coded UI facilitated a shift-left approach to development by enabling automated UI-driven functional testing from within the IDE. However, Microsoft has announced that Visual Studio 2019 will be the last version to support Coded UI.

Users can continue to test in Visual Studio in a post-Coded UI world. The Ranorex testing framework provides an API for C# and VB.Net that replaces Coded UI.

Migration from Coded UI to the Ranorex testing framework is a three-step process.

1. Create a new Visual Studio project, select .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher, choose language and select Console Application.

2. Add Ranorex core assemblies as references, via Solution Explorer. Add the following: Ranorex.Bootstrapper, Ranorex.Common, Ranorex.Core, Ranorex.Core.Resolver, All Ranorex.Plugin assemblies. Set the Copy Local option to False for all Ranorex assemblies except for Ranorex.Core.Resolver.

3. Start writing code and continue with left-shifted testing in Visual Studio.

“While we hope Visual Assist is your favorite dev tool, we know we can’t (and won’t) do everything for you. As we continue developing solutions, we’ll also showcase tools or tips for other problems you may face in other parts of development,” adds Whole Tomato’s Wheeler.

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