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Microsoft names TeamViewer to Teams app partners of 2024 prize

TeamViewer – the Germany-based developer of Tensor – has been recognised by Microsoft among the US vendor’s leading apps and solutions partners for Teams this year.

Alfredo Patron, executive vice-president of business development at TeamViewer, said the company’s integration with Microsoft Teams “enriches” remote connectivity and streamlines operation.

“With tens of thousands of users initiating TeamViewer-powered remote connections each month via Microsoft Teams, we aim to seamlessly integrate into our customers’ daily workflows, whether providing remote IT support or augmented reality (AR) support to field workers,” Patron said in the announcement.

TeamViewer said it had won the 2024 Microsoft Apps & Solutions for Microsoft Teams in its Partner of the Year awards, “honoured among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation” of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

“Winning the Microsoft partner of the year ward highlights our commitment to delivering unparalleled value and innovation to our customers,” Patron said.

Microsoft partners that developed and delivered “outstanding” Microsoft Cloud applications, services, devices, and AI innovation during the past year were considered, with awards classified and chosen from some 4700 nominations in about 100 countries.

TeamViewer had provided strong offerings in the Apps & Solutions for Microsoft Teams category, the vendor said, with the integration of TeamViewer with Microsoft Teams enhancing benefits for support services.

“Leveraging Microsoft Azure, TeamViewer integrates with Teams, enriching remote connectivity and streamlining operations,” TeamViewer said.

“Offering features like support for mobile workforces, AR-driven remote guidance and advanced troubleshooting capabilities, more than 4,000 organisations are witnessing efficiency and productivity enhancements, with some seeing up to 80% reduction in IT support ticket resolution time.”

Further new features would be developed in response to customer feedback and demand, it added.

TeamViewer Tensor is cloud-based remote connectivity software for various enterprise-focused devices and platforms and distributed workforces. The vendor’s offerings are certified by HIPAA/HITECH, ISO 27001, ISO 9001:2015, SOC 2 and SOC 3 and TISAX.

TeamViewer Tensor has been deployed for large customers such as optical giant Specsavers, which implemented Tensor for secure tech-support remote access to any of its corporate, retail, or supply-chain focused computers around the world, the vendor said in a case study document, here.

( Photo by visuals on Unsplash )

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