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Smartsheet enjoys fresh market recognition ahead of product updates

Enterprise work platform provider Smartsheet has followed up its FastCompany World’s Most Innovative Companies listing for 2023 with a Brand that Matters recognition.

According to an announcement by FastCompany.com, this reflects the vendor’s key capabilities in delivering manageable security, compliance and governance at scale for customer organisations.

“Known as a software service facilitating communication and teamwork, Smartsheet (added) diversity and inclusivity to the sports world with Sponsor X, which bolstered STEM organisations at some of the most-watched Formula 1 and NHL events,” it said.

“One brand that Smartsheet partnered with – Australian education organisation DeadlyScience – saw a 400% increase in donations after its involvement in Sponsor X.”

Smartsheet was one of only four companies named to the 2023 Brand that Matters list – alongside payroll provider ADP, sustainability software vendor CIBO Impact, and shipping focused software provider Trinity Packaging Supply.

Smartsheet “was recognised for connecting people to its mission of empowering anyone to drive meaningful change”, according to Rebecca Barker, writing for FastCompany.com.

“These four enterprise brands are revolutionising their industries,” she said.

Smartsheet has also been expanding regionally and is busily rolling out new innovations, with its early-adopters programme members typically being first to benefit.

As reported in Channellife.com.au, Smartsheet’s list of Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ) regional customers has been expanding. In Australia this includes clients such as Fox Sports Australia, University of Adelaide, and the Western Australian Mental Health Commission.

As a result, the vendor has announced a Smartsheet Region in Australia for local data hosting. Other Smartsheet Regions include the EU, USA and FedGov, it said.

“Smartsheet Regions are instances of Smartsheet situated in various global locations, allowing customers to comply with data residency regulations and offering them the freedom to choose where their content is hosted and processed,” wrote Channellife journalist Kaleah Salmon.

Ben Canning, senior vice president of product experiences at Smartsheet, said via the vendor website that upcoming product releases are set to incorporate build-outs for the card view as well as generative AI, dashboarding and workload, resource and content management.

“Card view is a favourite among project managers, creatives, and Agile teams because it organises tasks into vertical lanes and makes it easy to prioritise and reassign tasks using drag and drop,” Canning said.

“The new card view will launch with continuous auto-save, improved editing seamlessly integrated through a new right panel experience, the ability for quick creation of one or many cards in a lane, and nicer image handling.”

( Image by Sue Rickhuss from Pixabay )

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