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LiveAction boosts performance and storage in packet analysis software

Network performance monitoring (NPM) company LiveAction has rolled out what it is billing as a “massively improved” LiveWire packet analysis offering around performance, manageability and usability.

LiveAction has released new LiveWire Core and LiveWire PowerCore appliances that, according to the vendor, promise a 300% increase in real-time traffic analysis capabilities and a 200% expansion in storage density for the same form factor.

“With the latest updates of the LiveWire family, LiveAction has massively improved the performance, manageability, and usability of the LiveWire packet analysis solution for even the largest enterprise networks,” it said in its product update.

“This release centres around three major upgrades: new appliances, updates to the LiveWire software, and enterprise-class manageability.”

The vendor said the new appliances are field-upgradable to at least two petabytes (PB) of raw storage, up to six if using compression or slicing. LiveWire software has also been upgraded with a view to overall performance, compression and usability.

Existing LiveWire Gen 1 Core and PowerCore appliances can be upgraded to the version 23.2 software for “a dramatic boost in performance” due to increased compression, it said.

Support for two-factor authentication (2FA) has also been added, it said, and users can now also reconstruct content directly from packets for FTP, SMTP and SMB.

LiveWire provides telemetry based on packets for both LiveNX NPM and ThreatEye network detection and response (NDR), with telemetry generation performance “significantly increased for ThreatEye by itself” as well as when using LiveNX and ThreatEye at the same time, according to LiveAction.

Additionally, LiveAction has introduced a new netops tool, LiveWire Grid, to simplify and help scale installations, administration and configuration of LiveWire appliances, it said.

Russell Elsner, vice president of product management at LiveAction, said version 23.2 of LiveWire is now available to all active maintenance customers.

“The 23.2 release allows users to enable real-time compression on packet captures,” Elsner said in a related blog post.

“If the network traffic compresses three times, capture to disk speed will increase by three times.

“That means that a system with a raw capture rate of 10 Gbps will have an effective capture rate of 30 Gbps, and a LiveWire appliance that used to store packets for seven days will now store the same packets for three weeks.”

( Photo by Viktor Theo on Unsplash )

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