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Snow Software chief views clear path for technology intelligence

The road ahead for technology intelligence means tackling poor visibility across IT assets and multiple silos with increased innovation and platform unification, according to Snow Software.

Vishal Rao, president and chief executive officer at Snow Software, said enterprises are teetering on the edge of a crisis fuelled both by the “visibility gap” and the number of new technologies introduced across businesses.

“Organisations have a fragmented and siloed tech stack. This creates challenges when maintaining visibility and gathering the data needed,” he said on the vendor’s web blog.

Rao said a new level of cost optimisation, risk management and value delivery, comprising a “new approach” to managing IT, is becoming essential.

He said the visibility gap leaves organisations exposed.

“Vendors can take advantage by constantly changing their licensing terms. SaaS applications thrive on unconstrained use permeating across their environment, and others, like cybercriminals or even competitors, could easily exploit these weaknesses,” Rao wrote.

Snow Software was attempting to solve these issues, he pointed out.

“Every company I speak with is trying to strike the balance between ensuring stability while still driving growth,” Rao added. “Over the past 5-10 years, there has been a considerable shift in the way people consume technology.”

For instance, end users have become “owners” of department-level budgets and technology decisions, even as SaaS and cloud has burgeoned, sometimes leaving CIOs and IT teams with “minimal insight” into what is being used.

“Most point-based tools provide depth but not breadth, and often, lack integration. Most platforms provide breadth but lack depth,” Rao added.

However, technology intelligence solutions can help bridge these gaps when “fully realised”, he said, and this wasn’t about having the so-called “single source of truth”.

“It’s about having a way to bring together the many truths offered by your technologies – creating an intelligence layer that can act as an insights hub between your technologies to surface both the high-level and granular detail that enables decision making to deliver positive business outcome,” said Rao.

The vendor’s Snow Atlas ‘technology intelligence’ platform was launched across the market in July 2022, and is being built up further to better address some of these challenges, with “new innovations” released every day at the minute, he said.

The Snow SaaS Management solution, for example, has been rearchitected our product as a standalone solution delivered on Snow Atlas.

Last month, Snow was also certified as an approved third-party tool vendor for Oracle GLAS Verification for Java SE.

( Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash )

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