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BrowserStack rolls out Puppeteer, Playwright test automation support

Cross-platform testing tool developer BrowserStack has beefed up support in BrowserStack Automate for two popular tools — Node.js libraries Puppeteer and Playwright.

Vignesh Piramanayagam, product marketing manager at BrowserStack, suggested the support, initially in beta, reflects these browser automation tools’ fast growth in the market — where they’re attracting the attention of “thousands of devs and QAs“.

“With this integration, users can run Puppeteer and Playwright tests at scale on over 100 browser versions,” Piramanayagam said.

“Both Puppeteer and Playwright have taken a fresh approach to test automation, removing the need for external drivers and controlling browsers directly via an API. This has opened up new possibilities for users in both test performance and functionality.”

Piramanayagam said that Puppeteer and Playwright are developer-friendly tools that are helping teams adopt a “shift-left” approach to testing — where testing is thought about at all stages of the development process, with testing teams getting involved earlier.

“These teams run a high volume of tests on a regular basis, underscoring the need for fast, scalable and reliable test infrastructure,” he said.

“Teams that can’t rely on their infrastructure end up skipping tests and lowering device/browser coverage, but at the the risk of delivering buggy experiences to end-users.”

Teams that can focus on testing, rather than grappling with their test infrastructure, can ship applications and versions faster, Piramanayagam noted, adding that BrowserStack was committed to integrating emerging tools and frameworks that are popular with developers.

“We added support for Cypress last year, and are looking forward to adding more integrations in the coming months,” he said.

Read the full announcement on the BrowserStack website.

( Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels )

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