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Three Nitro insights into digital workplace productivity

How can company leaders address the factors limiting productivity in the modern workplace? Nitro’s latest webinar delved into this year’s productivity report to pinpoint three key takeaways, writes Sue Power in a company blog.

Insight 1: A third of the workforce, on average, can become more productive via improved document processes

Ninety-seven percent of knowledge workers in the survey said there was plenty of room to improve document processes across their organisation. At the same time, a third indicated they only feel “slightly productive”, while 43% said they felt “stressed out” at work, especially if they handled 10 or more documents each day.

“Without the right document processes, many global knowledge workers don’t feel as efficient as they could be. They also feel more stressed, less supported, less satisfied, and less able to meet customer needs,” says Power.

Insight 2: Relying on paper and printing will hinder digital transformation efforts

About half of knowledge workers in the survey print documents multiple times a day (53%) or manually sign documents (48%). Yet printing is expensive and difficult to monitor or track.

In addition, according to the webinar, high levels of print and paper use actually make it harder for workers to stay on top of work that matters most.

“As businesses position themselves for digital transformation success, it’s up to CIOs to digitise processes that make or break their businesses,” says Power.

Insight 3: Multiple aspects of employee experience are affected by poor document management

Everyone focuses on customer experience — yet this will be delivered by employees, who often don’t get the support they need. In Nitro’s survey, 72% of respondents defined as knowledge workers said it was difficult to get resources, such as tools and training, to do their jobs. IT departments should think about this, and how helping staff can benefit the end consumer.

“The 2020 Nitro Productivity Report demonstrates that organisations’ document management processes, often seen as solely operational, can have a profound impact on knowledge workers, affecting everything from daily productivity to job satisfaction, likelihood to quit, and even customer service,” says Power.

“We could talk for hours about the connections between documents, employee productivity, employee satisfaction, and beyond. Listen to the entire discussion by watching the full webinar on-demand here.”

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