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Micro Focus Universe goes virtual for EMEA partners from 17-19 March

EMEA customers and partners of Micro Focus will no longer meet in The Hague from 17-19 March – instead attending a virtual schedule of events.

According to the Micro Focus Universe 2020 website, the move is to protect the health and safety of customers and partners.

The online event will offer specific, targeted discussions, presentations and demos around the latest product releases, and expert-level workshops.

There will be five tracks: enterprise devops and application delivery management (ADM; hybrid IT management and operations management (ITOM); security, risk and governance; application modernisation and COBOL/mainframe solutions; and collaboration with GroupWise, Filr and enterprise messaging.

Here’s a full overview.

“Competing in today’s diverse market is no joke. Successful organisations must remain at the forefront of technology while controlling budgets, leveraging data, and ensuring security,” according to Micro Focus.

“Each track will align with a key challenge organisations face in their race to digital transformation. Feel free to attend any of the sessions across our five tracks.”

Register for the virtual event (formerly planned for The Hague, Netherlands).

The premier event also has a US edition, scheduled for 19-21 May in San Antonio (click here for early registration with discount before 31 March). At the time of writing, this event is still to take place on location in Texas.

Smaller regional events are also planned across Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Japan.

At the time of writing on 5 March 2020, a novel coronavirus outbreak had killed some 3000 people around the world. Many tech conferences, including the massive annual Mobile World Conference in Barcelona, had been cancelled as a result.

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